Rules and Regulations

AWT Annual Convention

Rules & Regulations

It is understood that the following terms, 条件和规则作为十大菠菜靠谱老平台(AWT)之间合同的一部分达成一致, 以下简称“展会管理”或“AWT”, 以及在AWT年会中购买展览空间的人(“参展商”). 展会管理部门有权解释和执行AWT规则 & Regulations. 所有未在规则和条例中提及的事项,以展会管理部门的决定权为准. 所有作出的决定对各方具有与原AWT规则同等的约束力 & Regulations. 参展商或其代表有责任熟悉所有的规章制度. 参展商或其代表未能遵守这些条件, terms, 合同条款或规则可被排除在展会之外,且不退款.

General Terms and Conditions AWT保留在展会之前或期间自行决定采取以下行动的权利:(1)基于参展商的不良行为(包括但不限于参展商的行为),以任何理由终止本协议或拒绝向参展商提供展位, or Exhibitor use, 推广和/或分发材料和/或内容, 令AWT反感或不符合AWT章程的资料, the Rules and Regulations, or mission); (2) prohibit any exhibit, or part thereof, that violates this agreement or is, in any other way, not suitable for, 或者不符合的性格和精神, the Exhibition; (3) close any exhibit that is determined by Show Management to be too loud or disruptive and/or to disturb other exhibits because of, among other things point of purchase sales, material content, or method of operation; and/or (4) refuse to permit an Exhibitor who violates this agreement to participate in one or more future AWT Exhibitions.

Relocation of Exhibits 展会管理部门保留根据官方平面图更改展览地点的权利, 在适当的情况下,并在符合展会最大利益的情况下,由展会管理部门自行决定.

Soliciting/Demonstrating 展品必须限制在指定的确切空间内. Circulars, publications, 广告材料和各种促销赠品必须只在展位内分发. Nothing can be posted on, tacked, nailed, screwed or otherwise attached to columns, walls, 地板:建筑物或家具的地板或其他部分. Signs, rails, etc.,不允许进入或越过过道. Canvassing, 禁止在指定展区外展出或分发广告材料. 参展商的招揽或展示必须限于参展商自己的展位. 参展商的印刷广告必须在参展商自己的空间内分发

Hospitality Events: 参展商同意在年会活动时间内不提供招待套房. 参展商亦同意不举办大型娱乐活动或其他活动, 在大会的活动时间内组织小组. 这一竞业禁止条款也适用于私人演示、设施、旅游等. 参展商一致认为这些活动有损于展会的整体价值. 除非得到AWT的书面批准,否则禁止上述活动.

Liability and Insurance: AWT and its officers, directors, volunteers, employees, agents, 赞助商对参展商的财产损失不承担任何责任, owned or rented, his personnel or invitees, or that of his employees or agents, from personal injury, fire, theft, or any other cause. 建议参展商为员工购买保险, products, and exhibits at their own expense. 如果保险范围尚未生效,通常可以通过要求公司现有政策的附加条款来提供此类保险. 参展商应受AWT与Devos Place签订的合同条款的约束. Exhibitors agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend AWT and its officers, directors, volunteers, employees, agents, and sponsors, and the Devos Place and its respective members, officers, directors, agents, 以及雇员的所有债务, damages, actions, costs, losses, claims, and expenses, including reasonable attorney’s fees, on account of personal injury, death, 或造成财产或利润的损害或损失, in whole or in part, from any act of omission, negligence, fault, 或违反参展商或其雇员的法律或条例, agents, subcontractor, 或被邀请者或任何其他人在得到参展商的明示或暗示许可的情况下进入该设施.

参展商的赔偿应适用,除非该损害或伤害是由完全疏忽造成的, gross negligence, or willful misconduct of the exhibitor, its employees, or its subcontractors. 在安装和拆卸期间,16岁以下的儿童/青少年不得进入展览场地.

Height Restrictions: 线性或“直线”和角落摊位的高度限制为8英尺. 周边展位(那些背靠外墙而不是另一个展品的展位)的高度限制为12英尺。. 20英尺× 20英尺的岛屿最高可达16英尺高,包括标牌.

Use of Space: 8’的最大高度只允许在展位的后半部分, 在剩余空间中,所有材料都有4英尺的高度限制. 当三个或更多的线性展位组合使用作为一个单一的展品, 4英尺的高度限制仅适用于距离相邻展位10英尺以内的部分展览空间.

Sound: Public address systems are not permitted. 任何演示或音响系统的噪音应保持在最低水平,不应干扰他人. 电气或机械设备必须消音,以免噪音干扰其他参展商. AWT保留决定声音在什么程度上构成对他人干扰的权利.

Agreement: By signing the space application, 参展商同意遵守这些规则和规定以及AWT的决定. 本合同经AWT工作人员验收后,对参展商和AWT均具有约束力. 这些条款和条件已经制定,以提供每个参展商平等,无论大小. 每个参展公司都应该得到平等的机会, within reason, 以最有效的方式将产品呈现给目标受众.

Space Assignment: 参展商将根据优先级得分优先分配展位. 优先点是根据几个因素确定的, 包括参加以前的博览会, sponsoring an event at the convention, 广告和/或在《十大菠菜靠谱老平台》上发表文章, and/or presenting a paper at the convention. 在过去的五年中,人们更重视运动. 所有的展览空间都是按照优先顺序分配的,先到先得. Please list six booth choices. 如果你所有的选择都已经被分配了, AWT将十大菠菜网排行参展商选择展位. If there is no response in 3 business days, 参展商将失去其选择展位的位置,并将十大菠菜网排行下一个参展商,未支付全额费用的申请将不予处理. Payment for space must be received in U.S. dollars.

优先积分只适用于在周五之前归还合同和全额付款的参展商, December 30, 2022. 如果两家公司在优先级列表中有相同的点数, 展位将根据AWT收到合同的日期进行分配. 没有优先点的公司将根据合同和收到全额付款的日期分配展位. 在12月30日星期五之后,将在收到合同和全额付款后分配空间. Exhibitors wishing to avoid assignment of space adjacent to a particular competitor should indicate so on their application; careful consideration will be given to such requests. AWT保留在必要时修改展厅平面图和/或搬迁指定参展商的专有权,以改善AWT年会 & Exposition, as determined solely by AWT.

Subletting Space: No exhibitor shall assign, sublet, 或分摊全部或部分所分配的空间, or have representatives, products, 未经AWT书面同意,不得在上述展览中使用其他公司的材料. 参展商只能代表在展位申请表上签字的公司. 如果有多家公司拥有相同的所有权,则必须单独购买展位.

Installation and Dismantling of Exhibits: The exhibit hall will be open Tuesday, October 3, from 10:00 am–5:00 pm for exhibitor move-in, and on Wednesday, October 4, from 8:00 am–2:00 pm for final preparations, such as lighting, powering of equipment, etc. 10月4日(星期三)下午2点将进行一次检查. 如果展品明显没有安装好,也没有代表在场,则将分配给劳务承包商进行拆箱和安装,以便在展厅开放前拆箱和进行初步清洁. Charges will be billed to the exhibitor. Permission for late setup on Wednesday, October 4, 会否按个别申请处理,并在30天内以书面通知AWT职员. 展览会开放时间内不得搭建任何展品.

展品的拆除和设备的包装不得在下午2点之后开始, Friday, October 6. 在宣布关闭之前拆除展位的参展商可能会失去优先积分和未来的展览邀请. 所有展品必须包装好并准备好在周五晚上7点前搬离展区, October 6.

Exhibitor’s Service E-Kit: 完整的参展商服务电子套件,包含所有必要的运输订单, electrical, furniture rental, carpeting, cleaning, etc. will be available online. 信息将由总承包商/装饰商NexxtShow通过电子邮件发送给每个参展商. 订单应在服务手册中列出的“关键日期”之前提交,以获得折扣价格.

Exhibitor Giveaways: 参展商可在其展位派发赠品。. Exhibitors must confine their activities to the space for which they have contracted; this includes the distribution of printed materials

Commercial Corners
只有参展公司才被允许展示商业角. 这些是20分钟的演示文稿,供参展商展示他们喜欢的任何内容. 与传统的摘要不同,这些摘要可以作为推销词. 商业角将以先到先得的方式分配. 商业角的演讲者同意在大会前10周发送所有相关信息.

Promotional Material
参展商将在AWT网站上以其名字进行宣传, their logo/listing on the Convention app, and if applicable, in the on-site printed notebook. 参展商同意向AWT发送上市所需的所有信息, including logo, contact information, and a description of their company. 这必须在大会召开前10周完成,以确保进入印刷材料. 如果参展商在10周后发送信息, 不能保证他们的信息会被打印出来. There are no refunds if this deadline is missed.